Audubon Zoo Tea Room Wedding in New Orleans, LA

During a speech, Meredith-Leigh recounted the time that her now-husband Ace took her on a tandem bike ride across the San Fransisco bridge. She’s admittedly not into biking so throughout the ride, she was half terrified. Ace finally told her to look up and take in the view. She pushed her fears aside, looked up, and experienced something beautiful she would have never done on her own. The lucky ones in life find that partner that gently coaxes them outside their comfort zone. A partner that accepts and loves them wholeheartedly, but still will challenge them to rise up and occasionally get on that bike. I feel truly blessed to be a tiny part of their day and witness the magic between them.

Here’s some highlights of their day that include: GLITTER FACE PAINTING, a tandem bike rose petal exit, the Hora, Café Du Monde beignet truck, custom Mardi Gras beads, second line parade, annnnd the groomsmen reading a feminist wedding planning book that’s officially the best thing ever.

Venue: Audubon Tea Room Audubon Park
Planner: Mise En Place Events
Getting Ready Location: Pontchartrain Hotel
Flowers: Bella Blooms Floral
Cake: Joe Gambino’s Bakery
Band: Escalade Show And Dance Band and Phz-2
Hair: Courtney Bradley
Makeup: PreauxFace – Makeup & Hair Artists – New Orleans